Welcome to the Bath River Line

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CBA developed a plan for the management of the tow path and parks along the River Avon within the World Heritage city of Bath

CBA was commissioned by Bath & North East Somerset Council, on behalf of the WaterSpace Partnership, to develop a plan for the management of the tow path and parks along the River Avon within the World Heritage city of Bath.  Dubbed the "Bath River Line", the linear river park runs through the centre of Bath's Enterprise Area where 2,700 new homes are planned and 9,000 new jobs will be created over the next 20 years.  The WaterSpace Partnership are seeking to facilitate this growth by managing the anticipated increased use of the riverside tow path and green spaces. 

In addition to developing long-term management and maintenance proposals, CBA also developed a concept plan highlighting opportunities for improvements to parks and green spaces along the Bath River Line route.  It is envisaged that CBA's work will form part of the evidence base for supporting the recognition of the River Avon Park as a key green infrastructure asset in the Council's new Local Plan.


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